Jobs to tackle in the Garden in July
- George
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Lawns need mowing at least once a week. During dry spells, you may need to water your lawn to keep it looking green.
Shrubs. This is the time to take cuttings from hydrangea and pyracantha. If you are lucky enough to have wistaria growing up a sunny wall in your garden, then you can start trimming this back during the Summer months.
Hedges. Hawthorn hedges need a first trimming. Fast growing hedges like privet need constant trimming during the Summer to stop them looking straggly.
Roses. Dead-head hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses. You can apply fertiliser and make sure roses are well watered, particularly during dry spells.
Cut back any perennials that have already finished flowering, then water thoroughly and remove faded flower heads from annuals.
Dahlias. If long shoots are wanted for cutting, disbud some of the shoots, leaving the strong terminal bud to flower. Remove any faded blooms.
Irises. Dwarf and intermediate height irises may be divided early in July. Tall bearded irises may be divided towards the end of the month. You will need to water well until the new divisions are well established.
Fruit. Prune plum trees and pinch out tips of cherry shoots.